Reconnective Healing

Reconnective Healing is a tangible energy interaction with an other-dimensional Intelligence. It presents itself as the frequencies of energy, light and information. These frequencies first became accessible and known to the scientific community in 1993 through Dr. Eric Pearl. Eric developed a process to teach others how to interact with this Intelligence and science has been exploring it ever since. Learning Reconnective Healing is the process and point of engagement with the RH frequencies that enables a portal to open, connecting us to a reciprocal universe. In this RH field, deep transformation, expansion and evolution is instantly received. This energy interaction is creating the new terra firma for the healing of humanity and our planet.
Offered in individual sessions, Reconnective Healing is not therapy or treatment. It is CHANGE. Each person’s healing will be unique, as each of us has our own independent perfection. Following your sessions, take a look at your life and be the observer. Notice what has begun to shift. It may be on a physical level. It may be on a mental or emotional level. It may be that a relationship has become easier or a work challenge has disappeared, or, just in your vibrational interaction with others, you’ve become a catalyst, a new link to a situation with which they had been struggling. Again, you will receive what is most appropriate for YOU in your life as well as for those you interact with. Reconnective Healing is a source to wholeness. It is palpable. There is a vibrational shift happening in your very cells. Your DNA is changing. You begin to emit more coherent levels of light. Your life becomes one of flow and life progress.
Looking for help for your extended family member? Reconnective Healing also works well with pets.
Reconnective Animal Healing

Reconnective Animal healings can be done via distance or in person.
For in person healings, please contact us first at
What is Reconnective Healing?
Reconnective Healing is the new Energy, Light and Information of our planet. It’s a highly evolved form of energy interaction that continues to advance our health, balance and quality of life progress with infinite freedom and expanded consciousness.
What is Reconnective Animal Healing?
Reconnective Animal Healing takes the knowledge gained from Reconnective Healing–which uses energy, light and information via a new, more comprehensive spectrum of healing frequencies to bring the human mind, body and spirit into total balance and applies it to animals to restore them to a state of wellness.
Why should I get a Reconnective Healing session for my pet?
Reconnective Healing has the potential to assist all living things and animals respond very well. As with humans, these healing frequencies assist the animal on all levels. It’s an opportunity to bring your pet to an optimum state of balance; allowing your pet to interact with these frequencies will produce real effects on their DNA, as shown in multiple scientific studies. And the outcomes go far beyond the physical sphere.
Reconnective Healing® can be used as an adjunctive in the treatment of any health challenge as well. Although it is not a treatment, as it doesn’t address specific symptoms or disorders, it works in a much more comprehensive way, helping your pet heal. Just remember: there’s no substitute for a Vet visit when it comes to your pet’s health! Reconnective Healing ® is to be seen as an integrative and complementary health care tool.
How will my pet react to Reconnective Healing?
All individuals of every species react differently, but they all feel it, and they all get their healings. Most of them will show signs of increased calmness and relaxation after just a few minutes. They may become very interested in what you’re doing, “sniffing” these frequencies, licking your hands or walking towards you. Just like humans, pets show different kinds of registers (involuntary movements of their eyes and muscles).
We never know exactly how or what will happen for your animal in a conscious, tangible way, however, what we do know is that Reconnective Healing is a non-invasive healing experience with benefits that can include:
- Accelerated Healing
- Improved performance
- Behavior Modification
- Freedom of Movement

In your Personal Reconnection, you are reconnecting to a timeless system of intelligence, your master vibration and your evolution. You are actively choosing to access all that you have learned throughout your lifetimes, in this dimension, and beyond. It is an ongoing process, and it will continue to unfold as you begin to make new choices on your life path, moving into your Life Progress. Many who have experienced their Personal Reconnection simply say, “Life is… easier”.
The Personal Reconnection is facilitated in two separate sessions on two separate days. Your second session must be completed within approximately three days after the first session. Receiving your Personal Reconnection is a choice. Not everyone chooses to shift their life at this accelerated pace. The Personal Reconnection is facilitated once in a lifetime.
Intuitive Life Coaching

There is a new energy on the planet and it is creating chaos in everyone’s lives. We are all experiencing it in our own way. Old traumas are resurfacing and emotions are bubbling up from deep within us that we thought were long buried or dealt with. This is a time of confusion and turmoil on a mass scale. It feels like everything is unraveling at an accelerated pace.
How do we navigate through these new energies? How can we continue on our spiritual path if we feel stuck, blocked or caught up in the chaos? Are your relationships, finances or career suffering? How can we release old belief patterns that we have carried with us since we were children or from our family history? How can we survive in this new world unscathed? An Intuitive Life Coach (ILC) may be your answer.
ILC’s are trained to utilize their gifts to help connect with messages from your own higher self to assist you on your journey. Learn what is getting in the way of your growth and how to dissolve it. Learn what your higher self is trying to communicate with you. And learn how to better connect with your higher self and subconscious. We all hold a vast amount of knowledge within us. Learn the keys to accessing that knowledge.
ILC’s are exceptional in helping clients to see limited beliefs and programs that may be interfering with their lives. As a healers, ILC’s use their psychic abilities to help guide clients in order to release the core blockages and beliefs that can prevent them from moving forward.
Along with receiving greater insights into your life, a session with an ILC will give you self discovery tools and practical applications to assist you on your life path. Are you ready to unlock your destiny?
This 90 Minute session can be done in person, phone or Skype.

The use of dowsing tools is officially considered to be a science known throughout Europe as Radiesthesia. Some people say that the dowsing tools create a bridge between the logical and intuitive parts of one’s mind.
Sessions usually take about 30 minutes.
Session can be done in person (please contact us for more information).
And via distance sessions.
The definition of dowsing is a technique for searching for underground water, minerals, or anything invisible, by observing the motion of a pointer (traditionally a forked stick, now often paired bent wires) or the changes in direction of a pendulum, supposedly in response to unseen influences.
However, dowsing encompasses a much broader concept that includes the use of any object, such as a pendulum, to tune in to certain frequencies of energy information, much like you would use a radio dial to tune in to a particular station. Just as radios pick up information from unseen radio waves, the pendulum is a powerful antenna that allows us to tap into the vibrations and energy waves emitted by people, places, thoughts, supplements, medications etc.
Dowsing is a unique way to assess imbalances in the body that could be contributing to your health conditions.
Dowsing for Pets

Dowsing for Pets
By definition dowsing is a technique for searching for underground water, minerals, or anything invisible, by observing the motion of a pointer (traditionally a forked stick, now often paired bent wires) or the changes in direction of a pendulum, supposedly in response to unseen influences.
It is a technique that has been used for centuries. However, dowsing encompasses a much broader concept than the definition states. Dowsing includes the use of any object, such as a pendulum, to tune in to certain frequencies of energy information, much like you would use a radio dial to tune in to a particular station. Just as radios pick up information from unseen radio waves, the pendulum is a powerful antenna that allows us to tap into the vibrations and energy waves emitted by people, places, thoughts, supplements, medications etc.
Dowsing isn’t only for humans. It can also be used to help our furbabies. Dowsing can be used to evaluate the health of the organs, glands and systems of your pet along with checking for for parasites, allergies, yeast and toxins. Imbalances in your pet are further dowsed to find balance through the use of whole food supplements, herbs, homeopathy and diet.
Personalized Pet Dowsing: is a unique way to determine what your pet needs and wants for healing itself. This is done by ‘tuning into their energy field’ though the use of a pendulum.
Reason why you should get your pet dowsed?
Diet – one of the most important aspects of your animal’s health, dowsing is an excellent way to check your pet’s food, water or any supplements that may be taking or lacking.
Nutrition – check efficacy of supplements, dowse for appropriate dosage and dowse if the animal can tolerate the supplement.
Health – does your pet suffer from pain or chronic illness that only responds in part to veterinary protocols? Dowsing may help detect areas of the body that need additional support along with supplementation, diet changes, or the additional of a therapy such as chiropractic.
Therapies – Therapies of all kinds are now available for animals such as acupuncture, massage, Reconnective energy healing, chiropractic etc. Dowse to see how many treatments your pet will need before you see progress or resolution of the problem. You can also dowse to see which therapy you should use next.
Behavior – dowsing can help determine if nutrition, health problems, emotional issues, stress or environmental energies are contributing to the behavioral problem.
How is it done?
(Note: In person sessions available, please contact us for more information.)
Distance sessions can be done through telephone conversation with a photo of your pet.
30 Minute session
Pet Photos can be emailed to us at: