Intuitive Life Coaching Session


  • Discovery Session
  • Releasing blockages and old energy patterns
  • Identifying, transmuting and re-programming old energy patterns
  • 90 Min Session


Category: Tags: , , , Product ID: 1729


After purchasing, please contact us directly via email: or call us at: (407)575-0151 to book your appointment time.

We are available:
Mon-Friday 10am-7:30pm (last appointment time is at 7:30pm.)
Saturday 10am-4pm (last appointment time is at 4pm)
Feel free to contact us in advance if you have any questions.

Intuitive Life Coaching

An intuitive life coach is someone who uses their intuition to be able to connect with you on a higher level to better understand what issues you may be struggling with and to help guide you from your higher self’s perspective.

There is a new energy on the planet and it is creating chaos in everyone’s lives. We are all experiencing it in our own way. Old traumas are resurfacing and emotions are bubbling up from deep within us that we thought were long buried or dealt with. This is a time of confusion and turmoil on a mass scale. It feels like everything is unraveling at an accelerated pace.

How do we navigate through these new energies? How can we continue on our spiritual path if we feel stuck, blocked or caught up in the chaos? Are your relationships, finances or career suffering? How can we release old belief patterns that we have carried with us since we were children or from our family history? How can we survive in this new world unscathed? An Intuitive Life Coach (ILC) may be your answer.

ILC’s are trained to utilize their gifts to help connect with messages from your own higher self to assist you on your journey. Learn what is getting in the way of your growth and how to dissolve it. Learn what your higher self is trying to communicate with you. And learn how to better connect with your higher self and subconscious. We all hold a vast amount of knowledge within us. Learn the keys to accessing that knowledge.

ILC’s are exceptional in helping clients to see limited beliefs and programs that may be interfering with their lives. As a healers, ILC’s use their psychic abilities to help guide clients in order to release the core blockages and beliefs that can prevent them from moving forward.

Along with receiving greater insights into your life, a session with an ILC will give you self discovery tools and practical applications to assist you on your life path. Are you ready to unlock your destiny?

This 90 Minute session can be done in person, phone or Skype.

Additional information

Number of Sessions

One Session
Package of 3 Sessions


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