“You must face yourselves, now!!!….
you cannot afford to play, to hide yourselves in trivia, to become so busy, that you cannot hear the truth that shouts from within you.
You must know yourself, if you would help others.
You must look inward and listen.”
Let’s get right to it. Health, financial and relationship issues are rampant.
Have you noticed?
Or maybe you are experiencing one of these issues yourself.
What is the root cause of all this suffering?
We get disconnected from our power source when clouds of negative emotions get built up in the human body and mind. Its like a glass of water so full that there is no room to add any more liquid. Otherwise, it begins to spill over.

Negative emotions are emotions that are not expressed properly.
How many of us have childhood traumas we try not to think about and have buried deep within us. These are all negative emotions waiting to be released. Negative emotions can even be found in our current environment, when something happens to us at work or at home and we stuff it away. Maybe we grab a smoke, a drink or some kind of drug to cover up the feeling…or maybe we escape into the internet or in to a video game. If the emotions are not dealt with properly, they get trapped within us. And they begin to fester.
Negative emotions create disconnection and disconnection creates more negative emotions.
Therefore, negative emotions create a snowball effect.
This is the reason why a majority of people are unable to come out of the quicksand of negative emotions.
It is when our body and mind gets disconnected from our power source, that we begin to die.

Negative emotions like fear, anger, anxiety, hatred, sadness, etc….
block this life force.
Death comes in different forms:
- Death of relationships,
- Death of finances,
- Death of career,
- And of course Death of the physical body.
The moment something occurs that you judge to be bad, painful or fearful, your energy centers shut down and that emotion has nowhere to go.
It is locked. Now when you live in a state of pain and fear, eventually your physical embodiment will store that energy and create dis-easement and then you will die of it….. if it is not dealt with.
It is not to deal with the physical….but rather the emotional FIRST.

I just finished listening to The Truth About Cancer event this past weekend. There were 40 of the top doctors in the world, on stage, speaking about health.
The one thing they all spoke about was…CLEARING EMOTIONAL TRAUMAS.
Because…emotions become biology.
They spoke about it as a preventative medicine and as THE ONLY WAY to be truly healed.
No matter how much good quality organic food you consume, the bottom line is to deal with your emotions.
It is ABSOLUTELY necessary in order to either maintain good health or to complete the healing process.
Imagine doing yoga and giving organic food to a dead body.
Will that restore health? The answer is NO.
That is because the life force is missing. Until the connection is restored, no amount of “physical effort” can help.
The negative emotions are like a virus. And they grow at an exponential rate.
All physical diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, etc. manifest because the life force is diminishing.
When everything is going along smoothly or when you are in that place of joy, of happiness, of laughter, there is no negative judgment and so the energy, the emotion, flows through your embodiment and it creates a state of well-being.
It is time to reconnect ourselves.
To learn techniques to clear your emotional trauma, contact us.
We are here to help.
Wishin you all the best!