Anxiety in a New World
Due to everything that is happening in this world, whether it be, Covid, mass shootings, politics, natural disasters, etc., everyone is feeling massive anxiety. Many are even afraid to leave their homes.
Anxiety. We all know the word. And we have all experienced it in some shape or form. But what is it? And how do we express it unconsciously?
Just look around you, anxiety has reached an all NEW HIGH.
The world we used to rely on seems to be changing and shifting and is not following the old patterns. There are no maps, no precedence, no clear rules on how to function and that produces anxiety.
As you create a reality for yourself and you become consciously aware of that, anxiety increases, even with all the successes…anxiety increases.
More people than ever before are experiencing anxiety, not just occasionally, but on a regular day to day basis. And for many of us, anxiety can become excessive and overwhelming. We can lose our ability to control it. It can affect our jobs, our relationships, our health, etc..
What is Anxiety?
- Anxiety is unrecognized anger, hurt, fear or pity.
- Feeling anger or hurt but refusing to admit it to yourself.
- Expectation of error.
- Anticipating humiliation, rejection, abandonment or betrayal.
- To Trust someone that is non-trustworthy. Love is very balanced, resilient and flexible. If you drop love, it won’t break. However, Trust is tremendously fragile. If you drop trust, it will break and it can’t be or is very difficult to repair. .
- One that is often missed is unprecedented happiness, fun and joy. When will it end and I will lose everything?

How do you express Anxiety unconsiously?
- You feel unappreciated and misunderstood over the smallest issue.
- You pick fights. You are not really angry. You just want to fight. At the slightest thing, you want to fight, in order to release the anxiety.
- Worry. Some people do it professionally. “If I don’t worry the world will stop turning.”
- Addiction. The obvious way is chemical additions; alcohol, drugs, food and/or cigarettes become your way of doing anxiety. You got to have that hit.
- There are the other addictions; food, sugar, chocolate. Specifically chocolate releases endorphins which reduce pain, so unidentified anxiety and pain is soothed by this.
- Some become binge or over eaters getting down as much as you can, stuffing the food down into you.
- Some need food that crunches; popcorn, crackers, chips, etc., the sound being very important to your anxiety.
- Some people have mechanical addictions; biting ones finger nails, twisting hair, bite your hand, your finger, crack you knuckles, pick at something, take inventory by touching, leg twitching or shaking, you drum i.e. the percussionist. Mechanical habits are the way you do your anxiety. It has certain electronic releases that affect the brain.
- Others go into depression. Some people that feel down say they are depressed. That is not real depression. Depression is a hollowing gutting expression taking the life force and knocking the wind out of you.
- Procrastination. The work that you are delaying doesn’t produce the anxiety, it is the procrastination itself.
- Anxiety also fosters‘ the trust, perfection syndrome’. Where because I do not trust, or my trust was given and shattered, I decided I will be perfect. No matter how you do something, you always feel like a failure, holding perfection as a standard because no matter how you did it, you could have always done it better, faster, sooner, more right and/or more perfectly.

Anxiety renders creating your reality less effective or ineffective.
It always alienates, separates you, numbs you from your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual connections and relationships.
- Studies are now proving that Anxiety can also produce physical illness.
For example, Serotonin when released appropriately, is a miracle drug that only your body can produce. But if you release too much (due to anxiety), it starts to attack the organs. It starts to deteriorate the muscles.

Then the answer is, I better feel no anxiety. This is not the answer. You need to learn how to handle your anxiety appropriately. And by appropriately, that does not mean to suppress or to run away from it. That will only produce more anxiety. You need to find a less destructive way to do your anxiety.
Unchecked anxiety can be debilitating or physically destructive .
However, you do not have to get caught up in this suffocating web of anxiety.
If you need help navigating through this new world of anxiety, book a session with us today. We can help you to discover the root cause of your anxiety and give you techniques to stop your anxiety in its tracks.
If you know of people who are experiencing anxiety feel free to share this blog.
*As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email us directly at: